A travel to Japan for the pure purpose of studying.. Or..

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


A lot of things has been happening this week and luckily, I have got some time to write them down as well. First off I am in dire need of some real bread and a red onion. As both things seems to be impossible to find here. With that said I can move on to a more interesting thing. 

Although I wasn’t able to take any pictures today.  Zannen dakedo.. 

I have started Kyudo.

Finally my hunger for martial arts will be fed. And how wonderfully hard it is:)

(For you people who don’t know what Kyudo is, look it up. It is filed under Japanese archery.)

I am really looking forward to the next practice. Although I didn’t get to shoot for real today, I got help with the elementary stuff which, yeah yeah, I know to well from other arts. But, and that’s a big one. When it comes to the art of archery, the real art of drawing the bow. The forms and basics are not as easy. I learned how to draw the bow and release and practiced that for three hours. Gradually getting better. But this is not easy. I hope next time I will get the chance to try for real but for now I need to practice the form. And I would not say that it is done in 1,2,3.

I think I am going to stick with Kyudo for a while and try Aikido at a later stage. and perhaps join the Kendo club at the other campus. 

I so can’t wait til I get my Hakama and Gi. And my own bow:)

I am so happy:D

Oh… Tomorrow we have our first big test as a summary of what we have been doing these first three weeks. hm.. Kantan desuka.. Soukamoshiremasen...

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