Today I cut my hair:) I did it at a Biyouin, (beauty saloon), called Details.bis. There were mainly men working there, which is a really good thing. Men are in my opinion often better than women at cutting hair. Anyway the man who cut me was a young guy with a really unhealthy look and long hair. Longer than my hair, before I cut it. He spoke just a little english. And the whole time me and Josefina had been standing outside the biyouin waiting for Asuka, the one who had booked the hairdresser, he was staring at me. (Man that was a long and hard sentence).
Anyway I wanted a Visual Kei haircut. And thus he did make one as well as style it:) It came out something like this.
Or rather the weather destroyed most of the styling on my way back home. I will upload a better picture of it styled once I find the time to style it:)
Men, det ser bittelitt rart ut med den ene hårstripen som ligger ned over nesa di, mellom det ene øyet og nesa... det ser litt...anstrengt ut... men kult
Takk, ja det var anstrengt, men frisøren jobbet etter et bilde. Jeg prøvde å lage den samme sveisen som han da jeg stylet meg selv for noen dager siden. Men neste gang skal jeg prøve noe nytt:)
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